Thursday, November 5, 2009


I'm an emotional being. I'm sure a lot of women and some men will identify with the statement. I'm not sure how many will identify with being an emotional eater, lover, friend, employee and writer. It does, however, seem like my emotions get me into trouble.

I'm an emotional employee; when things at work are not going ok I feel it and want to express myself to my lover. I recently read in a magazine that men are biologically "innate problem solvers" which explains why my boyfriend doesn't understand that sometimes all I want to do is vent (unless I explicitly say I want to vent of course) and he tries to fix the problem by either trying to make me laugh or see the bright side. Unfortunately sometimes I just don't want to laugh. As I become more emotional because he just doesn't get me it trickles to the other spheres of my life. I don't feel like going to gym because I'm so upset even though I know that the endorphins that I'd release by exercising would make me feel better. Instead I think that a big packet of chips and lots of Coca Cola and eventually some ice cream will make me feel better. It only makes me feel worse because when I look in the mirror I see and feel fat (speaking of which, is fat a feeling?). I'd promised a friend that we'd hang out but because I've managed to let my emotions get the better of me I cancel on a friend who probably needs me.

It's not all bad news though cos I think I write my best pieces when I'm most emotional but that's not the kind of writer that I want to be. What's gonna happen when I become emotionally intelligent?

I was hoping I'd end the blog with some profound message. I don't have one. I just wanted to "vent."


  1. Maybe your boyfriend is not trying to fix the problem. Maybe he is just trying to cheer you up...

  2. Good peace of writing... When I grow up I would like to be like you.

    Emotions if used with a definate purpose can be a powerful tool. I suggest you read a book called "The emotionally intelligent manager". It does suggest that there is a place for emotions in the work place.

    Where I believe it is not fair to use emotions or be highly emotional is when you (as a female) is trying to resolve a conflict with your (male)partner... Totally Unfair...
