Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Love Doesn't Hurt

Why is it that we seek to be loved by people who don't love us and we push away those who love us? How many times in your life have you found yourself pining for someone who didn't know you existed, who treated you badly or just didn't feel the same way about you? It's happened to me a couple of times and it took a while for me to break the habit (for the lack of a better phrase). I had to learn to accept that some friends won't be there forever, some cousins might just turn on you and sometimes the people you least expect to like or even love you would be the ones who DO really love you.

Until not so long ago I believed that love hurts. That loving someone was painful and the best thing I can do is love my family cos they love me back, they are genetically coded do so and regardless of what I do or don't do their love is guaranteed. Why should I expect someone I met a year or even 5 years ago to love me? Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with being in love or loving someone, the problem is when it hurts.
A person who loves you won't hurt you; physically, emotionally or in any way possible. If he/she does, it's not intentional and he/she will try to fix things as soon as he/she realises what he/she has done. When a person who loves you sees that you are hurting he/she will want to move mountains and cross valleys to take your hurt away. When loving someone hurts then that person does not deserve your love. Think about what it is about loving that person that is hurting you. Is it the lack of reciprocation, is it him/her being emotionally unavailable, is it physical abuse or does it just not feel right?
When you are in love don't you just feel like you are on top of the world. Don't you feel like telling the whole world how you feel? Isn't love that feeling that makes you want to smile just from the thought of the person that you love? That feeling that makes you think you can conquer anything and knowing that should something want to conquer you, the person you love will help keep you strong?
I truly believe that love doesn't hurt. The moment it starts to hurt it's NOT love. It's something that you want to believe is love or its misplaced.
We all have different takes on love at different times in our lives. This is mine at this point in my life. What's yours?

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